In [1]:
%pylab inline
In [2]:
# loading python modules
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.pyplot import figure
from terminaltables import AsciiTable
In [3]:
# loading custom writen modules
from inet import DataLoader
from inet.plots import barplot
from simulations import IISigmoidModel # simulation is a local module!
fchem and felect are funcion models that take its parameters directly from a list. The list is generated by the fitting procedure in the notebook called Sigmoid functions to model connections probabilities and must be updated upon every new data entry.
In [4]:
# plot sigmoid model
from simulations import fchem, felec
xval = np.linspace(0,300,100)
plt.plot(xval, fchem(xval), 'darkblue');
plt.plot(xval, felec(xval), 'magenta');
plt.xlabel('Intersomatic distance ($\mu$m)');
plt.ylabel('Connection probability (%)');
In [11]:
# use the dataset to create the null hypothesis
mydataset = DataLoader('../data/PV')
In [12]:
sigmodel = IISigmoidModel(mydataset)
We simulate the distribution of connection probability as a function of the distance, whose parameters are obtained from the observations. To evaluate that the simulations are correct, we calculate analytically the expected number of chemical and electrical connections in the simulations. The analytical solutions and the simulations must be very close.
In [13]:
#%%timeit #about 11 sec for 1,000 iterations = 1000, seed=0) # 1,000 random simulations
The null hypothesis is that connections arise from a sigmoid function that relates intersomatis distance with connection probability.
In [14]:
# the closer this number gets to the empirical values, the better is the fitting
from simulations import fchem, felec
nchem = np.sum( fchem(sigmodel.chem_dist)/100 )
nelec = np.sum( felec(sigmodel.elec_dist)/100 )
In [15]:
info = [
['Type', 'Analytical', 'Simulation', 'Observation'],
['ii_chem', nchem, sigmodel.nchem.mean(), mydataset.motif.ii_chem_found ],
['ii_elec', nelec, sigmodel.nelec.mean(), mydataset.motif.ii_elec_found ],
for the null-hypothese
In [16]:
pii_chem = len(sigmodel.nchem[sigmodel.nchem>mydataset.motif.ii_chem_found]) / sigmodel.nchem.size
pii_elec = len(sigmodel.nelec[sigmodel.nelec>mydataset.motif.ii_elec_found])/ sigmodel.nelec.size
pii_bid = len(sigmodel.nbid[sigmodel.nbid > mydataset.motif.ii_c2_found])/ sigmodel.nbid.size
pii_con = len(sigmodel.ncon[sigmodel.ncon > mydataset.motif.ii_con_found])/sigmodel.ncon.size # under-rep
pii_div = len(sigmodel.ndiv[sigmodel.ndiv < mydataset.motif.ii_div_found])/sigmodel.ndiv.size
pii_lin = len(sigmodel.nlin[sigmodel.nlin > mydataset.motif.ii_lin_found])/sigmodel.nlin.size # under-rep
pii_c1e = len(sigmodel.nc1e[sigmodel.nc1e > mydataset.motif.ii_c1e_found])/ sigmodel.nc1e.size
pii_c2e = len(sigmodel.nc2e[sigmodel.nc2e > mydataset.motif.ii_c2e_found])/ sigmodel.nc2e.size
In [ ]:
info = [
['Syn Motif', 'Simulation', 'Observation', 'P value'],
['chemical', sigmodel.nchem.mean(), mydataset.motif['ii_chem']['found'], pii_chem],
['electrical', sigmodel.nelec.mean(), mydataset.motif['ii_elec']['found'], pii_elec],
['2 chem', sigmodel.nbid.mean(), mydataset.motif['ii_c2']['found'] , pii_bid],
['convergent', sigmodel.ncon.mean(), mydataset.motif['ii_con']['found'], pii_con],
['divergent', sigmodel.ndiv.mean(), mydataset.motif['ii_div']['found'], pii_div],
['chains', sigmodel.nlin.mean(), mydataset.motif['ii_lin']['found'], pii_lin],
['1 chem + elec', sigmodel.nc1e.mean(), mydataset.motif['ii_c1e']['found'], pii_c1e],
['2 chem + elec', sigmodel.nc2e.mean(), mydataset.motif['ii_c2e']['found'], pii_c2e],
In [19]:
# This is our null hypothesis
fig = figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax = barplot(simulation = sigmodel.nchem, n_found = mydataset.motif.ii_chem_found, larger=1);
ax.set_title('Chemical synapses', size=20);
In [20]:
fig = figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax = barplot(simulation = sigmodel.nelec, n_found = mydataset.motif.ii_elec_found, larger=1);
ax.set_title('Electrical synapses', size=20);
In [21]:
fig = figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax = barplot(simulation = sigmodel.nbid, n_found = mydataset.motif.ii_c2_found, larger=1);
ax.set_title('Bidirectional chemical', size=20);
In [22]:
fig = figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax = barplot(simulation = sigmodel.ncon, n_found = mydataset.motif.ii_con_found, larger=1);
ax.set_title('Convergent inhibitory', size=20);
ax.set_ylim(ymin=0, ymax=4);
In [23]:
fig = figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax = barplot(simulation = sigmodel.ndiv, n_found = mydataset.motif.ii_div_found, larger=0);
ax.set_title('Divergent inhibitory', size=20);
ax.set_ylim(ymin=0, ymax=5);
In [24]:
fig = figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax = barplot(simulation = sigmodel.nlin, n_found = mydataset.motif.ii_lin_found, larger=1);
ax.set_title('Linear chains', size=20);
ax.set_ylim(ymin=0, ymax=10);
#pii_chain # change this value in the plot!
In [26]:
fig = figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax = barplot(simulation = sigmodel.nc1e, n_found = mydataset.motif.ii_c1e_found, larger=1);
ax.set_title('Electrical and one chemical', size=20);
In [27]:
fig = figure(5)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax = barplot(simulation = sigmodel.nc2e, n_found = mydataset.motif.ii_c2e_found, larger=1);
ax.set_title('Electrical and two chemical', size=20);
ax.set_ylim(ymin = 0, ymax=10);
In [ ]: